Sunday, January 03, 2010

Listening to the iPod

Nothing much has happened over winter break. I went to see Avatar with one of my friends, and I have to say: It was the best movie I've ever seen! The science-fiction of it all, the sex scenes, the strange creatures and glowing plants, and the imagining how many explosives it took to make the movie at it's best. I love all of that nebula-and-aliens crap in movies, though not much in books at all. I like fantasy books.

So, this entire break I've been writing and reading. And, watching scary movies. I can officially check The Shining and The Sixth Sense off my list of movies-to-watch. And, happily, I have REACH class for first period when I get back to school.

I can't say much in this blog. This winter break was mostly uneventful, and I was plugged in the ears with an iPod most the entire time.