Sunday, December 20, 2009

Quarius: The Largest Thing Human Machines Can Map

Well, I was sitting at home on ye old laptop when this thought came to me.

How big is the universe? Really?

Well, this youtube video really helped me out. First, it shows the size of a person, and zooms out from there at an elapsed speed of light. Every billion or so years, it shows a little caption. It took about 1,000 billion years (I'm guessing that's a trillion years?) for the video to reach the farthest point our human-made machines could go. Then another billion light-years to get to the afterlight of the Big Bang.

Wow, I'm such an astronomy nerd sometimes.

Anyway, it really makes you think, doesn't it? If you ever think you're taller or bigger than everything, you must not know how tiny you really are. And if you ever think you're small (like me), think about those little bacterialites. They probably think you're as big as Quarius.

Never think bad of yourself because you may be too big, too tall, too heavy, too short, or too misshaped. There's always something much, much bigger, and there's always something much, much smaller.

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